CBSIC Investment Fund
What is
CBS Investment Club (“CBSIC”) is a non-profit Student Citizenship-recognized organization whose objective is to educate students about the world of finance and provide real-life experience in trading stocks.
The primary focus is to manage the organization’s stock portfolio.
Assets under management are raised from corporate sponsorships and foundations.
The contributed capital will not be returned to investors as the fund acts as a non-profit student organization.
All prospect returns generated from investments will be reinvested or used to cover the fund’s general expenses.
Assets Under Management
CBSIC seeks to outperform the general market through an active and discretionary long-only investment strategy focused exclusively on Nordic equities.
All investment opportunities are investigated by in-depth fundamental analysis.
Time horizon may vary with each investment, however, CBSIC generally refrains from executing short-term trading based on technical analysis.
Please note that the portfolio return data displays only unrealized returns and does not take currency fluctuations or inflation into account.
Fund Structure
CBSIC is organized with an Investment Committee (“IC”), responsible for reviewing and approving investment decisions, and several Investment Analysis Teams (“IAT”).
Each IAT will consist of two analysts led by a Portfolio Manager (“PM”) and is allocated responsibility for a cluster of sectors within the Nordics.
The organization currently operates with the following sector coverage:
Financial Services (FS)
Monty Urmilevicius
Portfolio Manager
Energy, Materials, and Utilities (EMU)
Kristian Ikeme
Portfolio Manager
Consumer (C)
Conrad Alexander Wan Krüger
Portfolio Manager
Healthcare (H)
Technology, Media, and Telecom (TMT)
Victor Johansen
Industrials (I)
Villads Hovmand Hauritz
Portfolio Manager
Nikolai Gunnertoft
Mikael Morell